Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Blog #5

Personal Learning Networks or PLN's are networks that we as students can use to help find information. Not only can we use search engines and websites, but we can use other individuals. We can use things like Blogger and Twitter to communicate with others who also have interest in the same particular subject. After watching A 7th Graders Personal Learning Environment, I really started thinking about just how many PLN's are actually available to us.

After reading Eva Buyuksimkesyan's My Wonderful PLN, it is very important to teachers to have a PLN. As a teacher, you need someone who understands you and what you do for a living. You need a PLN who is supportive and empathetic as Buyuksimkesyan says in her blog. PLN's can help a teacher do more research on any particular thing. This is a good thing because your sources will expand.

You can form PLN's anyway you want. After watching Michael Fawcett discussing his PLN, I learned all about forming and creating a PLN. The most important thing is you don't always have to meet face-to-face with your PLN. You can use things like Blogger, Twitter and Skype to communicate. A network is there to be supportive. You need to create your PLN with supportive people who are interested in the same thing you are.

I am a college student who is majoring in Elementary Education. As I become a teacher, I will want to fill my PLN with other teachers. The first additions to my PLN will be other teachers. I can do this by following them on Twitter or Blogger. I have already started following Dr. Strange and a few other professors on Twitter. I believe that they are the first additions to my ever growing PLN.

a pattern of all the names of different Personal Learning Networks
Photo Source: www.npuprep.org


  1. Your writing is very organized! I also think having a PLN is a great asset to teachers! I think that adding more experienced teachers to a PLN could be helpful when someone first starts teaching.
