Tuesday, October 21, 2014

C4K Summary for October

In Chris's Blog, he was writing about how boring school can get sometimes. He stated in his blog that he thought that bringing recess back to school would make it a little less boring. I thought his post was great! I suggested to him that maybe some hands on projects, that would help him get engaged in his learning, might help him be a little less bored in school.

In Elizabeth's Blog, she was talking about her grandfather. She said that she called him Papa Ray. She talked about how she love him so much! She also talked about family tradition. She said that she spends Christmas Eve at his house, and she loves that tradition. I commented that I love tradition too. It makes look forward to the holidays so much more. Like Elizabeth, I spend Christmas Eve at my grandparents house too!

In Austin's Blog, he was talking about Dot Day in his class. He said that his class worked with younger pre-k classes. They helped the younger students work on their colors and shapes. I though this was a neat project. This really helped them use what they have learned to help others learn it. This really engages the students in their learning.

In Lucy's Blog, she was talking about symbols. Her assignment was to think of something that is very important to her and then come up with a symbol to represent it. This is a great hands on assignment. It gives her a chances to share with other classmates what is important to her. This also is a great way to teach a student what a symbol is.

students sitting at computers

photo source: www.theinspiredclassroom.com

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